Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Family Vacation

The first big family vacation, it was all so new

Mom found a dream ranch, a so-called “dude”


The kids were so young, a daughter not yet two

Our son only four, wanting to ride with the crew


Rafting, riding, and a real Mountain Man too,

This vacation could was a hit - who knew?


As the years go by, we’ve made many friends

But over time this special week transcends


As families grow, things change

It can’t be helped, not really strange


Truth be told, our hearts aren’t ready

To agree on a change, on that we’re unsteady


Because memories are priceless, we’ll soon not forget

The ranch rodeos, Fat-Bat baseball games, and the brunch ride silhouette..


Of our annual family picture on a mountain out West,

Every year showing our kid’s growth, we are very blessed


It’s not with sadness that I write about when this might end

 For it will surely open up a new door or trend


For as long as your heart, your family, and your thoughts don’t scatter

Where you go on vacation really doesn’t matter


Beach, mountains, wherever, one really shouldn’t mind

As long as you’re together, the time spent can be sublime


Oh, there are gripes, moans, and argument; it’s part of the quest

But I wouldn’t miss it, for who would have guessed


That in time as with all things, it too will naturally end

As children grow up and add their family blend


But, If our good fortune continues we’ll be part of what’s next

In the knowledge that our time together is a gift not a test


Shawn Chadwick Sackman, July 2009